Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lazy Days of Summer???

Not in this house! It has been a crazy summer for me. Lots of trips, house projects, "new puppy" stuff, 2 art shows and teaching new classes. Whew! Not much time for quilting! I am looking forward to next week, when things slow down a bit and I can get back in touch with my fabric obsession.
In the mean time, I thought I would upload a few pics for you to see where I have been the past few weeks! 12 days in the Midwest visiting family, friends and watching my 17 year old see a way of life that we don't experience in Northern California!!

Lots of Amish Country in Iowa. I particularly love the road signs in the background!

Every farm needs a kitty in each color!
And a few unusual goats.... they were soooo cute!
And some toy ponies...This one had the Baby Spice look going on...
And we had lots of time to just enjoy the simple beauty around us.
Or just plain odd... in the case of this McDonalds on the Kansas Turnpike.
Windmills? Really? Inside a Mikky D's?
One more side trip before getting back to business. My dearest family friends - four families, each with kids the same age - are venturing back to our favorite summer vacation spot in the Gold Country. We haven't done this in a few years and somehow were able to find a free weekend that we all could enjoy together. I am so looking forward to this.
Happy Summer!

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