Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Quilters' Christmas Wish

Merry Christmas!
I haven't posted foreva! Perhaps after reading this little ditty, you will all understand why... Between art boutiques, teaching classes, and the obsession to give handmade gifts - well, blogging just didn't happen. Enjoy the poem, as I am sure ya'll can relate! Thanks to Nancy R for passing it on to me!

Twas the night before Christmas, I'm glued to the tree.
I'm wondering what Santa brought just for me..
Could it be fat quarters or a pattern or lace?
Or a quilt kit, I said, with a smile on my face.
And that's when I heard him,
"Hi Santa," I said
"You know....good little girls should be in their beds ".
"I know I should Santa, and now I've got caught.
But I was just so excited to see what you brought."
"Well, let's take a look in this room where you work.
"He shook his head quickly, And left with a jerk.
I heard him exclaim as he put it in gear.
"You've got enough stuff, I'll see you next year!"

-author unknown

Have the Merriest of Christmas's and may all your Quiltable Dreams come true! - Pati

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